Posts Tagged ‘music’

Request for Musical Assist

September 26, 2008

This is a public service announcement.

Members of the youth leadership program at Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre are seeking musical instruments (guitars, drum set, vocal microphone, amp, mixer) in order to form a group. Do you agree that music is a great form of self-expression, connecting with others, learning new skills, promoting discipline, etc? If so, and if you have any musical instruments sitting around ‘gathering dust’ that you might be willing to donate, please contact Christine Li (Youth Outreach Worker) by phoning 519-668-2745 or email cliATgccrcDOTca.

The Music Store Stumble

February 29, 2008

An XKCD sketch.

W3 Review –

January 24, 2008

I’ve been using the audio-streaming site ever since I read about it over on Lifehacker. It serves you up new tunes based on a marriage of your unique preferences and the rest of the huge community. That last part makes it a music recommendation community.
